
Our Community As A Whole

Kalimani is a small village of approximately 3500 people in the county of Kitui, in the former Eastern Province of Kenya. It is located in a rural setting, approximately 180 kilometers from Nairobi, the capitol of Kenya. The vast majority of homes in the village do not have running water or electricity. People mainly rely on subsistence farming and unskilled labor for their livelihood. Many households in the village are practically headed by women, as husbands, brothers, and older sons who have not yet left home to start their own families will often work extended stretches of time in larger cities outside of the village to earn money.

The people of Kalimani are Kamba, a Bantu ethnic group of the Eastern and Southeastern region of Kenya. Their primary language is Kamba, but many also speak Swahili and English. Climate:

The community of Kalimani is vibrant and full of love. Despite the challenges they face, they find immense joy in family life and working together to meet one another’s immediate needs. During the dry seasons, holidays, or the loss of a loved one, it is very common for community members to pull together through “Harambees” to ensure that those who are without have their needs met. It is with this spirit that the community developed the Kalimani Dispensary and Health Center as a grassroots initiative nearly 45 years ago.